Gerulf Murer (1941 – )
Secretary of State (junior minister), Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry 1983-1987
Member of the National Council 1979-1983 and 1986-1996
Gerulf Murer was an official in bodies representing farmers interests, and politically active at the municipal, district and provincial levels, as well as in the National Council. In the 1980s, he was state secretary (junior minister) in the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry.
Short biography
Gerulf Murer was born in Gaishorn am See, Styria, on 19 August 1941. As the son of a farming family, he completed his compulsory education and then attended agricultural school, ultimately graduating as an agricultural engineer from the agricultural school of the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Hessen Nassau, Germany, in 1966. He subsequently worked until 1968 on a farm in South West Africa. Thereafter, he took over his parents' farm.
From 1972 onwards, Murer became more intensively involved in agricultural policy and became the Styrian provincial chairman of the Freedom Party Farmers Association, and later, in 1979, its federal chairman. From 1978 to 1986 he was a member of the board of the Milchhof Leoben dairy.
In 1979 he entered the National Council for the FPÖ, and in 1983 he became state secretary (junior minister) in the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry in the SPÖ-FPÖ coalition. He remained in that post until the beginning of 1987. From then until 1996, he again sat in the National Council for the Freedom Party of Austria. In 1986 he was awarded the Grand Decoration in Silver with Sash for Services to the Republic of Austria, and in 1995 he was awarded the honorary title of “Ökonomierat” which can be bestowed on members of agricultural professions.
Main political positions
1972–1992 | Styrian Provincial Chairman, FPÖ Farmers Association |
1979–1983 | Federal Party Chairman, FPÖ Farmers Association |
1979–1983 | Member of the National Council |
1980–1983 | Municipal Councillor, Gaishorn |
1983–1987 | Secretary of State (junior minister), Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry |
1986–1996 | Member of the National Council |
1990–1995 | Municipal Councillor, Gaishorn Deputy Provincial Party Chairman, FPÖ Styria District Party Chairman, FPÖ Liezen |